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--Jane's contribution above.
Well things are going great. Jane is crawling...well sort of three crawling "steps" then she'll drag herself around on her belly. And she'll pull herself up to standing sometimes. She's very fast when motivated. She's almost 9 months - Crazy how fast that is gone. She's curious about everything. Unfortunately curious means that every single thing goes into her mouth -- dvds, electronics, litle bits of unidentifieds that come off the carpet or out from underneath a bed. Tasty. She scrunches up her nose and breathes really fast when she's particularly excited about something.
She loves playing with other kids and ewspecially grabbing faces and stroking hair. She's a big fan of "peekaboo" I throw a blanket over her head and say where's jane and she'll sit laughing under the blanket whil attempting to get it off. Very entertaining. She also loves to be bounced up and down. She'll 'jump' up and down until you bounce her.
Anyway we have pictures coming. I swear I'll get better at actually updating this thing. She's adorable though. We are tired...yes tired... but having a great time with this little person. It's amazing how fast she's changing.