Friday, May 15, 2009

Alrighty here are some up to date photos. We are doing well. Josh is getting over strep (poor kid seems to always be sick but always happy). Jane is just jane all over. It's an exciting life.

seriously it had to be added. I mean look at that tongue.

We make these look good.

special thanks to mel for the models' ensembles (this would have been printed for your birthday mel, but my printer sent out a blank page.)

2 kids who won't wear hats. Well if that's their vice then I'll take it.

The things kids say: Jane was pumping her legs back and forth on the swings. Dan said "jane you're pumping" Jane says "yeah just like mama's nipples."


Meg said...

Amber, your kids are adorable, and you are hilarious (as usual)! I love reading your blog. You write just like you talk. I feel like I am listening to you! It's great.

I need more people like you in my life - you never fail to make me laugh :)

Angie said...

I LOVE the pumping comment! That is classic! I also love the do-rags. (I don't know if I spelled it right.) It looks like you guys are enjoying OR. That is great!

Mackenzie said...

FINALLY, a picture of you Amber. You look fantastic. I miss you! And I cannot believe the tongue on that baby boy - so hilarious and so cute. Your family is darling.

melenglund said...

The kid's tongue seems to be proportionate to his huge noggin. Good grief, does it have its own weather system?

Too far? Is he going to cry himself to sleep on his huge pillow?

(thanks for the recent photos. very cute. And I love your bangs.)