Chronicles of 2 kids with a semicompetent parent
9:00amazingly leave the house feeling rather proud of myself for my intitiative.
9:10 arrive at the library
9:11 after removing the children from the car we discover the library does not open until 10
9:12 shepherd jane and baby back into the car
9:20 arrive at the bank to complete an errand (trying to fill the time)
9:30 arrive at a different library. Feed Josh in the car with jane stuck in car seat
9:45 get kids out of the car to play at the park until the library opens.
9:47 discover the park is wet so eat snack on damp bench
10:00 put kids in stroller and walk across parking lot to enter library for story time
10:15 Josh crying. Parents all stare. visibly annoyed
10:17 Jane needs to go potty
10:23 Jane makes it to the toilet but the pee did not. It exits the toilet and soaks her pants. The spare pair of pants is of course in the car across the large parking lot.
10:27 Check out of library and go home.
11:30 am Arrive at the science museum play area
11:32 Water bottles leaks inside of diaper bag
11:35 feed josh in the snack area
12:00 Josh blows out diaper
12:01 Amber realizes that his spare onesie was, of course, in the diaper bag when water bottle leaked and is, predictably, soaked.
12:05 We leave with naked baby
12:20-12:50 Get lost on the poorly signed streets of portland. Including one full loop back to the museum (NOT on purpose)
1:00 kids in bed
2:00 jane not asleep
2:10 crash and scream from jane's room
2:12 cleaning up blood from jane's nose and mouth and the vomit that ensued when she freaked and choked on something.
Smashing success.